
Burn After Writing Sharon Jones Pages

 So, I saw an advert (on Instagram I think) of this journal-type book called 'Burn After Writing' by Sharon Jones. If you haven't seen this before, it basically asks a load of 'thoughtful' questions and leaves you space to answer them.

Now, I don't like paying for things that might turn out to be completely rubbish, but this book had tons of amazing reviews. So, I looked on Amazon to find that it would cost me at least £10 for a book of questions that- chances were- I had probably already answered before.

Jones describes her book as "a self-discovery book that encourages you to ask yourself where you've come from, where you are now and ultimately just where you are going." I've done a lot of 'self-discovery' in the last few years, and I've come across many books or courses that make the same claims. None of which actually lived up to them. So I began to scour the internet in order to find a PDF version, or an angel that had listed all of the questions.

After very little success, I came across Random Reviews' Flip Through video on YouTube. Again, no angel had listed all the questions. So I decided to be the angel. I paused every page on that video, and typed up every question/prompt into my notes app. And I'm gonna copy every single one onto this post. This blog is completely new, and I'm just using it for occasional purposes like this, or to support my YouTube videos- so if you could check out my YouTube channel MilkyBrew, I'd be incredibly grateful.

The author emphasises that these questions should be answered on paper, by hand- which is why I'm typing them up here rather than collating a PDF. I recommend getting a notebook and writing the questions in a different colour to your answers, with this way- you get as much space as you need to answer the question. You can copy and paste the questions from here onto a document if you'd like, but remember that if you're going to make a print-out, you'll need to leave some space for your responses!

Things to note

  • There are a few pages in the book that are formatted as a checklist or a 'circle this or that' list- you'll just have to get creative for these.
  • I've only copied the questions, not the introductory text to each section or the descriptions. Any questions that were clarified by the author are clarified here in my own words, but most are not.
  • A lot of the questions are rather vague. I copied most of them word-for-word, so they really are just up to your own interpretation.
  • I made some changes in sentence structure and punctuation for clarity, but nothing that would change the meaning of the question. I also used UK English spelling (because I'm British) instead of the original US English spellings.
  • Other than this, I did not change any of the words- a lot of the tense agreement and just general grammar was wrong, and as an aspiring teacher this annoyed me so much- but I kept it the same regardless.
  • As I was typing the questions, I realised there were a few that had definitely already been asked earlier in the book- this is exactly how the book is, not my mistake.

Are you ready? Let's begin! I'll add any of my notes in green.


  • My earliest memory...
  • As a child, I dreamed of becoming...
  • When I look into the past, the thing I miss the most...
  • My childhood described in one word...
  • Posters I had on my wall growing up...
  • The single most profound act of kindness that I will never forget...
  • People in history I admire...


  • First friend...
  • First love...
  • First record/CD...

  • First foreign holiday...

  • First job...

  • First car...
  • First concert...
  • First school...
  • First kiss...
  • First teacher...
  • First alcoholic drink...
  • When was the last time you did something for the first time?


  • The music I loved as a child...
  • The first thing I bought with my own money...
  • The age at which I became an adult...
  • The person who had the greatest impact on my life...
  • The person I have loved the most...
  • The hardest thing I've ever done...
  • If I could do it all over again, I would change...
  • The first song I ever remember hearing...
  • Things I collected as a child...
  • My aspirations as a child...
  • The teacher that had the most influence on my life...
  • My parents were...
  • My first pet...
  • My best friend growing up...
  • The long-lost childhood possession that I would love to see again...
  • The one thing I regret in the whole world...
  • Things that I have been addicted to...
  • I was most happy when...
  • The book that has had the greatest influence on my life...
  • The most dramatic fork in the road in my life...
  • I will never forgive...
  • The craziest thing I have ever done in my life...
  • 5 things I am glad I tried but will never do again...
  • The 5 best times I've ever had in my life...
  • 5 things that I've always wanted to do but have never done...
  • People I miss...
  • I wish I had never met...
  • The last time I said 'I love you'...
  • My greatest heartbreak...
  • The smartest choice I made as a teenager...
  • I feel guilty for...
  • My life story in 3 sentences...
  • Baggage I am carrying...


  • Top 5 bands...
  • Top 5 albums...
  • Top 5 songs...
  • Top 5 concerts...
  • Top 5 books...
  • Top 5 movies...
  • Top 5 places in the world...
  • Top 5 cities...
  • Top 5 most amazing experiences...
  • Top 5 'regular people'...
  • Top 5 celebrities...
  • Top 5 creative geniuses...
  • If I could spend 48 hours with anyone (living or dead) it would be...
  • If I could have lived through any time period, it would have been...
  • The last 3 years of my life described in 3 words...
  • 5 milestone experiences that made me the person that I am today...
  • The hardest choice I have ever had to make...
  • The stupidest thing I have ever done...
  • How cool would my 16 year old self think I am right now...
  • My favourite childhood memory...



  • I have: [ ] Been in love [ ] Failed my driving test [ ] Jumped out of a plane [ ] Broken a bone [ ] Won a trophy [ ] Learned another language    [ ] Been to a spa[ ] Kissed someone and regretted it    [ ] Smoked a cigar [ ] Ridden in an ambulance    [ ] Turned someone down [ ] Flown in a helicopter [ ] Met someone famous [ ] Written my will [ ] Read my partner's internet history [ ] Learned the words to the national anthem [ ] Been a godparent [ ] Buried someone    [ ] Gotten married [ ] Showered with someone else [ ] Given blood [ ] Memorised a poem    [ ] Broken something expensive [ ] Considered cosmetic surgery    [ ] Danced with my mother/father [ ] Jumped off the high board    [ ] Dived off the high board[ ] Been on a diet    [ ] Had an invisible friend [ ] Been a best man/bridesmaid [ ] Dated someone twice [ ] Won a competition   [ ] Deleted my internet history   [ ] Made a speech in front of an audience    [ ] Cheated on someone [ ] Stayed out all night [ ] Been on a blind date    [ ] Had a massage [ ] Sung karaoke [ ] Watched the sun rise [ ] Watched the sun set[ ] Lost at a casino [ ] Faked it[ ] Grown my own food[ ] Changed a car tire[ ] Kissed a stranger [ ] Been on TV[ ] Given money to a panhandler [ ] Gotten divorce[ ] Handwritten a love letter[ ] Climbed a mountain[ ] Had a crush on someone of the same sex[ ] Been on a diet twice [ ] Sent a message in a bottle[ ] Told at least one good joke[ ] Worked for minimum wage[ ] Won a bet    [ ] Written poetry[ ] Performed on stage[ ] Fired a gun [ ] Been to a school reunion[ ] DJed [ ] Ridden a mechanical bull[ ] Learned first aid [ ] Saved someone's life[ ] Broken someone's heart [ ] Volunteered for charity    [ ] Lied to a police officer [ ] Learned a card trick    [ ] Gotten a degree [ ] Had a pen pal   [ ] Stayed up for 24 hours straight [ ] Sponsored a child    [ ] Done a split [ ] Lied to the doctor    [ ] Gotten married again [ ] Signed up as an organ donor    [ ] Had a tarot card reading
  • Things I've learned along the way...
  • I confess...
  • "At some point in my childhood, my friends and I went outside to play together for the very last time, and none of us knew it."
    • If I could go back, this is who would be there...
    • And this is where we'd be...


  • The first word I would use to describe myself...
  • The last time I felt happy...
  • The first thing I would do if I were in charge of the country...
  • The last thing I think of before I go to sleep...
  • My first love...
  • The last time I cried...
  • The first person I would confide in...
  • The last person I would rely on...
  • The first time I had my heart broken...
  • The last time I said I love you...
  • The first quality I look for in a person...
  • The last time I felt in control...
  • The first time I stood my ground...
  • The last time I faked it...
  • The first person I would call in a crisis...
  • The last time I congratulated myself...
  • My first real relationship...
  • The last time I set my heart on something...
  • The first time I lost a loved one...
  • The last time I failed at something...
  • The first time I thought I'd made it...
  • The last time I felt a success...
  • The first song that moved me...
  • The last time I said thank you...
  • The first person I had a crush on...
  • The last time I was angry...
  • The first thing I would save in a house fire...
  • The last time I gave it 100 percent...
  • The first time I felt time was running out...
  • The last time I was fearful...
  • The first time I felt like an adult...
  • The last time I did something for the first time...
  • The last time I lied...
  • Three things I forgive myself for...
  • Three signs of hope for the future...
  • Three things my alter ego would do differently...


  • The biggest inspiration in my life...
  • My most prized possession...
  • Today I learned...
  • Things I should let go of...
  • If I was given $10,000, I would spend it on...
  • The one song that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up...
  • 3 things that are getting on my nerves right now...
  • If a genie granted me 3 wishes, they would be...
  • The first 5 songs that play when I press "shuffle" on my media player...
  • The one thing I want to change about myself...
  • If I could have a conversation today with one person from history, it would be...
  • My life quote...
  • The one relationship I would like to fix...
  • Things that make me happy...
  • My autobiography would be called...
  • My favourite "little things" in life...
  • If I could give one thing to one person it would be...
  • Things that make me laugh...
  • I secretly envy...
  • If I could be anywhere in the world right now...
  • If I could be a fly on the wall...
  • My greatest fear...


  • The thing that I am working on that is BIG...
  • My personality in 6 words...
  • If I didn't know how old I was, I would think I was...
  • If I could choose to stay a certain age forever, It would be...
  • If I could go to the fridge right now and find one thing...
  • 5 things I need in my life...
  • 5 things I want in my life...
  • I am...
  • I am not...
  • I adore...
  • I detest...
  • I have...
  • I have never...
  • I like...
  • I don't like...
  • I love...
  • I hate...
  • I need...
  • I want...
  • I can...
  • I can't...
  • I'm always...
  • I'm never...
  • I'm afraid of...
  • I'm not afraid to...
  • I'm pretty good at...
  • I'm no good at...
  • I want more...
  • I want less...
  • I can never respect...
  • If I could change my first name, I would change it to...
  • If I had to be trapped in a TV show, it would be...
  • If I could lock one person in a room and torment them for a day, that person would be...
  • The one thing I don't mind spending a lot of money on...
  • If I had a brainwashing machine, I would use it on...
  • The first song to come into my head right now is...
  • If I were to win the lottery, this amount would be enough...
  • If I could pick up the phone right now and call one person, living or dead, it would be...


Circle which is most like you.

  • Anxious or calm
  • Stubborn or flexible
  • Daring or cautious
  • Moody or cheerful
  • See big picture or detail oriented
  • Competitive or cooperative
  • Pessimistic or optimistic
  • Patient or hasty
  • Suspicious or trusting


  • Last film...
  • Last book...
  • Last concert...
  • Last time I cried...
  • Last song I listened to...
  • Last time I was scared...
  • Last time I danced...
  • Last time I was angry...
  • Last time I laughed...
  • Last time I was drunk...
  • I need to forgive...
  • If I could clean up one mess, it would be...
  • The one skill I wish I could possess...
  • If I was exiled to a foreign land for the rest of my life, I would like it to be...
  • My foolproof recipe for mending a broken heart...
  • If I had to sacrifice one of my relatives to save the world, it would be...
  • The 3 finest meals I have ever produced by my own hand...
  • If my house was on fire, the 3 things I would grab are...


Answer all of these prompts with just one word.

  • My job...
  • My partner...
  • My body...
  • My love life...
  • My sanctuary...
  • My fear...
  • My childhood...
  • My addiction...
  • My passion...
  • My kryptonite...
  • My regret...
  • My turn on...
  • My turn off...
  • My hero...
  • My future...
  • My fantasy...
  • My achilles' heel...
  • My guilt...
  • My greatest virtue...
  • My vice...
  • "The outcome is bigger than the sum of it's parts" (fill in the blanks)

________ + ________ + ________ = family

________ + ________ + ________ = love

________ + ________ + ________ = life

  • Looking at the lives of my friends, this is who I think has gotten it right...
  • If I could install 3 complete languages in my brain with zero effort, I would choose...
  • If I could being one person back from the dead right now, I would be...
  • The simple biggest waste of energy in my life right now...
  • People I'd like to punch in the face...
  • If I could go back in time and witness any historical event, it would be...
  • The things that are taboo for me, the things I find hard to talk about even with close friends...
  • People to be forgiven...
  • The things I find ridiculous...
  • People that mean something to me...
  • If I could make one thing vanish forever, it would be...
  • My parents in 5 words...
  • The biggest hole in my life was left by...
  • If I was given $10,000 today on the condition that I couldn't keep the money for myself, I would...
  • Right now, at this moment, the thing I want the most is...
  • The one word I would use to describe the relationship with my mother...
  • The one word I would use to describe the relationship with my father...
  • The advice that has shaped me the most...
  • If I could direct the Hollywood movie of my life story, it would be called...
    • And this would be the cast list...
    • This would be the song for the opening credits...
    • This would be the song for the main theme...
    • This would be the song for the closing credits...
  • Religion in 3 words...
  • One word to describe my current love life...
  • If I had to sing one karaoke tune in a crowded bar of strangers, my song would be...
  • If I were to host a dinner party and I could invite 3 people (dead or alive) as fellow diners, they would be...
  • The full names of my children today (born or otherwise)...
  • Something that means something...


Judge yourself on a scale of 1-10 for each of the following:

Honesty Generosity Forgiveness Happiness Loyalty Uniqueness Humour Intelligence Accommodating Talented Confidence Humbleness Loving Tolerance Spontaneity Health Creativity Fashionable

  • I'm sick to death of hearing about...
  • If no one was watching, I would...
  • The most valuable thing I own is...
  • My guiltiest pleasure...
  • If I could make one thing disappear today, it would be...
  • My secret skill...
  • The song title that best describes my life...
  • If I had two weeks to live, I would...
  • The one thing that I do that I would like to be able to stop...
  • If I could change one current event in the world, it would be...
  • I'm worried about...
  • My darkest secret...


Without thinking, write the first word that comes into your head for each of these prompts

Life Work Trust Fame Forgiveness Weakness Death Discipline Lies Sadness Past Sex Excess Hate Innocence Victim Violence Regret Mother Religion Domination Love Family Sacrifice Age Honesty War Success Lust Fear Home Drugs Future Failure Destiny Humour Envy Honesty

  • 5 things I love to hate...
  • The nicest thing I've ever done that no one knows about...
  • At the end of the day, who will be there for me?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how happy am I with my life?
    • What would make it a 10?


Interpret these as you wish!

  • Birthplace...
  • Siblings...
  • Currently Residing...
  • Social Class...
  • Occupation...
  • Zodiac Sign...
  • Political Party...
  • Allergies...
  • Pets...
  • Charity...
  • Newspaper...
  • Magazine...
  • Drink...
  • Breakfast...
  • Starter...
  • Main course...
  • Dessert...
  • Restaurant...
  • Bar...
  • Club...
  • Hotel...
  • Clothing...
  • Shoes...
  • Car...
  • Phone...
  • Camera...
  • Dream job...
  • Subscription...
  • Computer...
  • Brand...
  • Shop...
  • Comfort food...
  • Hobby...
  • Pastime...
  • Team...
  • Game...
  • Website...
  • TV Programme...
  • Family is...
  • On a scale of 1-10, how in control of my life do I feel right now?
    • What would make it a 10?
  • My dream job...
  • My favourite food...
  • My most treasured possession...
  • My perfect Saturday night...
  • Something I've wished for repeatedly...
  • My hidden talent...
  • The things I am really bad at...
  • The one movie that I could watch over and over again...


  • Song...
  • Album...
  • Concert...
  • Place...
  • Movie...
  • Book...
  • Band...
  • Artist...
  • Holiday...
  • City...
  • Teacher...
  • Word...
  • TV programme...
  • The things that money can't buy...



  • I have:  [ ] Been skinny dipping[ ] Been in a police car     [ ] Taken drugs[ ] Been drunk [ ] Been in a fight[ ] Seen someone/something die     [ ] Partied all night[ ] Smoked cigarettes     [ ] Been fired from a job  [ ] Had stitches [ ] Gotten a tattoo[ ] Faked it     [ ] Crashed a party  [ ] Cheated on a test   [ ] Danced in the moonlight [ ] Skipped a class     [ ] Stolen something [ ] Been to a music festival    [ ] Joined the mile-high club[ ] Kissed someone of the same sex    [ ] Gotten a piercing  [ ] Dyed my hair    [ ] Kissed a stranger [ ] Had a friend with benefits    [ ] Had my heart broken [ ] Gone commando [ ] Eaten something that's alive  [ ] Had sex outdoors    [ ] Had cosmetic surgery  [ ] Been thrown out of a club     [ ] Protested against something [ ] Cheated on someone [ ] Fired a gun  [ ] Taken revenge    [ ] Smoked a cigar    [ ] Broken the speed limit [ ] Drank champagne straight out of the bottle  [ ] Played cards for money    [ ] Fallen in love with someone I shouldn't have    [ ] Bought porn [ ] Cross-dressed [ ] Been to a strip club     [ ] Shoplifted [ ] Prank called someone [ ] Skipped work [ ] Killed an animal
  • The 3 people in the world that I'm most close to (each described in 3 words)...
  • The 5 people that I would like to thank (just for being themselves)...
  • My mantras for living and my rules for life...
  • A letter to my former self...


  • My future in 3 words...
  • 3 things I need to let go of...
  • I dream of...
  • The one thing I'm most excited about...
  • The one thing I'm most concerned about...
  • My ideal home...
  • The risk I would take if I knew I could not fail...
  • The one thing that I would be prepared to die for...
  • I must make room for...


Circle your favourite from each of the prompts.

  • The ride or The Destination
  • The Stones or The Beatles
  • Mac or PC
  • Wine or Spirits
  • Rich or Famous
  • BMW or Mercedes
  • Sweet or Salted
  • Meat or Murder
  • God or the Big Bang (just here to point out that the 2 go hand-in-hand very well)
  • Pepsi or Coke
  • London or New York
  • Nike or Adidas
  • Tea or Coffee
  • Gay or Straight (screams in bisexual)
  • Movies or Music
  • Summer or Winter
  • Political Left or Right
  • Truth or Dare
  • Spirituality or Religion
  • Climate Change Fact or Fiction
  • City or Country
  • Death Penalty or Life Imprisonment
  • Hitchcock or Spielberg
  • See the Future or Change the Past
  • Las Vegas or Paris
  • Art or Science
  • Fame or Money
  • Brains or Beauty
  • Going Out or Staying In
  • iPhone or Android
  • More Time or More Money
  • Subway or McDonalds
  • Watch the Movie or Read the Book
  • Lennon or McCartney
  • Freedom or Security
  • Mountains or Beach
  • Creativity or Knowledge
  • Tattoos or Piercings
  • The Wire or The Sopranos
  • Money or Looks
  • Odd or Even
  • Appetiser or Dessert
  • Adventure or Relaxation
  • Telephone or Text
  • Celebrity or Artist
  • Cremation or Burial
  • Winning is Everything or It's Taking Part that Matters
  • How Things Work or How Things Look
  • Form or Function
  • Thoughts or Emotions
  • Slow or Fast
  • Optimist or Pessimist
  • Realist or Idealist
  • Head or Heart
  • Something I think everyone should experience in their lifetime...
  • The greatest enemy of the future of mankind...
  • My dream reunion...
  • If I could go on a trip right now, it would be to...
  • The victory I am working toward...
  • My next challenge...
  • The 3 things that I have been putting off that I need to do...
  • The one thing I'll do with my children differently than what my parents did with me...
  • The biggest challenge facing the world today...
  • The future is (this can be something that you want/hope for or that you predict)...
  • 10 places I want to go before I die...
  • 10 books I want to read...
  • My favourite lyrics/poetry...
  • In ten years' time, my money is coming from...
  • I would like to retire to...
  • My perfect road trip...
  • The things that scare me about getting old...
  • If I could spend the last hours of life with anyone, doing anything, I would...
  • If I could be laid to rest anywhere, I would like it to be...
  • The one song I would like to be played at my funeral...
  • My legacy is...
  • 10 songs that are the soundtrack to my life...


Circle the things that you pledge to do, and add your own.

Say no Forgive myself for my mistakes Have no regrets Prioritise Sleep more Treat myself Shake things up Give more Fall in love Take responsibility Accept criticism Make art Be me Work smarter, not harder Worry less Help others Love more Embrace change Listen more Don't hate Take chances Tell the truth Be assertive Be more humble Relax more Apologise Lighten up Eat good food Smile more Travel more Dream big Feel good anyway Give credit, take blame Be thankful

  • One week from now, I will...
  • One month from now, I will...
  • One year from now, I will...
  • Ten years from now, I will...
  • My 5 rules for life...


Cross off what you've done and then add/start your own.

  • Run a half marathon
  • Do a triathlon
  • Ski/snowboard
  • Canoe
  • Ride a horse
  • Learn a new language
  • Play a musical instrument
  • Sing in a choir
  • Dance the salsa
  • Ride in a hot air balloon
  • Jump out of a plane
  • Scuba dive
  • White water raft
  • Play chess
  • Make pottery
  • Paint a picture
  • Write a short story
  • Solve a Rubik's cube
  • Volunteer/fundraise
  • Start my own business
  • Ride a motorbike
  • Write a book
  • Donate blood
  • Bungee ump
  • Go camping
  • Climb a mountain
  • Plant a tree
  • Fly in a helicopter
  • Fire a gun
  • Go backpacking
  • Give to charity
  • Go rock climbing
  • Learn to juggle
  • Write my will
  • Milk a cow
  • Be part of a flash mob
  • Learn a martial art
  • Learn first aid
  • Learn to fly
  • Get a tattoo
  • Start a blog
  • Join a gym
  • Bake a cake
  • Find my 'thing'
  • Learn to meditate
  • Go on a road trip
  • Try yoga
  • Learn to knit
  • Be happy
  • I want less...
  • I want more...
  • Life is...
  • Regret is...
  • Success is...
  • Children are...
  • Death is...
  • Happiness is...
  • Love is...
  • Faith is...
  • Work is...
  • Money is...
  • Peace is...
  • Religion is...
  • Politics is...
  • Imagine you have 9 minutes to live and you have a pen and paper, you can get a message to someone you love. What do you want to pass on?
  • My inspiration...


  • The future is...
  • Our special moment...
  • Our song...
  • Our city...
  • 5 things I love about you...
  • My turn-ons...
  • My turn offs...
  • One thing I'd change about you...
  • My confession...
  • 5 things you do that drive me crazy ...
  • My perfect date night...
  • Where it all started...
  • What I love about you...
  • I'll love you more if...
  • You are (circle):
    • Anxious or Calm
    • Stubborn or Flexible
    • Daring or Cautious
    • Moody or Cheerful
    • See Big Picture or Detail Oriented
    • Competitive or Cooperative
    • Pessimistic or Optimistic
    • Patient or Hasty
    • Suspicious or Trusting
  • I would love to learn...
  • I would love to go to...
  • I would love to try...
  • I would love to make...
  • I would love to let go of...
  • I would love to study...
  • I would love to talk to...
  • I would love to see...
  • I would love to learn to...
  • I would love to change...
  • I would love to help...
  • I would love to stop...
  • I would love to be...
  • In 10 years time I will:
    • Be driving a...
    • Be focused on...
    • Be celebrating...
    • Be living in...
    • Be working as...
    • Be interested in...
    • Be needing a...
    • Be learning...
    • Be a successful...
    • Be serious about...
    • Be having fun with...
    • Be on the path to...
    • Be still in touch with...
    • Be trying to find...
    • Be happy to have left...
    • Be mastering...
    • Be trying to change...
    • Be laughing at...
    • Be thankful for...
    • Be missing...
    • Be traveling to...
  • A text I'll never send...
  • A memory I'll never share...
  • A letter I'd love to send...
  • A letter I'd love to receive...
  • Why?
  • Why not?
  • A letter to my future self...
  • My plans for the future...

WE DID IT! We reached the end of 'Burn After Writing'!

Have fun with whatever you do with these! Please let me know, I'd love to see/hear how you used them!

Once again, I'd massively appreciate you taking the time to explore my YouTube channel, MilkyBrew, but otherwise- have a great day!

Live like you're loved,

Emily xo

Burn After Writing Sharon Jones Pages


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